
Menstruation vs. Circumcision

Menstruation has become the main debate topic of many female writers recently... It all started with a psychologist woman that gave a quite big celebration party for her daughter’s first menstruation... This is a case which is not needed normally… But it is needed here…

Some called her she was a crème-le-crème woman… In fact she was a normal citizen, not very elegant at all. May be we can name her as an activist… She emphasised on the practise of the oppression on young woman by the menstruation and it worked quite well. This was an insult for the patriarchal society that is developed with/by/on men.

As we know in the very same country of Turkey; the circumcision is considered to be “the first main step to the manhood” and people make a huge festival out of it. It is also quite questionable step to the manhood! I did not call myself as a man after my circumcision for sure… I did not become a man with my circumcision, neither any girl by menstruation...

As a matter of fact good things can also happen in this country! I am very sure indeed… I still have the hope… That helps me to survive here…

That party is good as a first step, but not enough... I hope it can help the women of this country. There is the need indeed… The need for the women’s freedom… It will lead to the freedom of the men…

When we do not make huge ceremonies for any of those situations that leads to oppress... Everything will be better...

We will become just humans again...

I still have a hope about this crazy world...

Living a life of my own...


It's time to get drunk!

"It is essential to be drunk all the time. That's all: there's no other problem. If you do not want to feel the appalling weight of Time which breaks your shoulders and bends you to the ground, get drunk, and drunk again. What with? Wine, poetry, or being good, please yourself. But get drunk... And if now and then, on the steps of a palace, on the green grass of a ditch, in the glum loneliness of your room, you come to, your drunken state abated or dissolved, ask the wind, ask the wave, the star, the bird, the clock, ask all that runs away, all that groans, all that wheels, all that sings, all that speaks, what time it is; and the wind, the wave, the star, the bird, the clock, will tell you: 'It is time to get drunk!' If you do not want to be the martyred slaves of Time, get drunk, always get drunk! With wine, with poetry or with being good. As you please..."

/ "
Her zaman sarhoş olmalı. Her şey bunda: tek sorun bu. Omuzlarınızı ezen, sizi topraga dogru çeken zaman'ın korkunc agırlığını duymamak için, durmamacasına sarhos olmalısınız. Ama neyle? Şarapla, şiirle, ya da erdemle, nasıl isterseniz. Ama sarhoş olun."

Charles BAUDELAIRE, 1866


Living a life of my own...



"...You cannot make the Revolution.
You cannot buy the Revolution.
You can only be the Revolution.
It's in your spirit or elsewhere..."

Ursula K. Le Guin
Living a life of my own...



Ya bardak olacaksın ya da göl...

Ustalarin ciraklarina sadece edindikleri meslegi, zanaati degil hayati da ogrettikleri, en genis ve gercek anlamiyla ogretmen olduklari donemde Hintli bir ahsap ustasi yasiyordu.
Bu ustanin ciragi buyudu, ahsap islemeyi ve hayati ogrendi, kendi isini kurup baslatti. Bir sure sonra dostlarindan biri oglunu getirdi, ustadan onu yanina cirak almasini istedi.
Fakat bu cirak surekli yakinip duran, her seye bozulan bir cocuk cikti.
Tahta getirmeye gidiyor, dondugunde ellerine kiymik battigindan uzun uzun
yakiniyordu. Bir is teslim etmeye gidiyor, dondugunde yoldan,sicaktan,
musterinin tavrindan yakiniyordu.
Usta cocuga bir seyler anlatmaya calisiyordu ama sozlerinin hicbir etkisi olmuyordu.
Bir gun usta ciragini koye tuz almaya gonderdi.
Cirak ustasinin soyledigi gibi, tuzu alip dondu. Usta bir bardak su getirmesini soyledi. Cirak bir bardak suyu da getirdi.
Usta, Simdi o tuzu suyun icine at' dedi. Cirak ustasinin soyledigini yapti.
Sonra usta 'Simdi o suyu ic' dedi. Cirak suyu icti ve tabii ki icer icmez de tukurdu. Ofkeyle ustasina bakarken, usta 'Nasildi tadi' diye sordu. Cirak nefretle, 'Cok aci' dedi.
Usta cocuga 'Tuzu yanina al gel, gidiyoruz' dedi. Cirak ustasinin pesine takildi. Bir sure sonra civardaki golun kiyisina geldiler.
Usta ciraga 'Butun tuzu gole dok' dedi. Cirak soyleneni yapti.
Usta 'Simdi golun suyundan ic' dedi. cirak icti.
'Suyun tadi nasildi' diye sordu usta. cirak, 'cok guzeldi' dedi.
'Peki tuzun acisini hissettin mi' diye sordu bu kez de.
cirak 'hayir' dedi.
Usta ciragi karsisina oturtup anlatti:
'Hayattaki butun olumsuzluklar iste bu bir avuc tuz gibidir. Eger sen kucuk bir bardak su isen, nasil tuzun butun acisini tattiysan, hayatin butun olumsuzluklarindan da oyle etkilenirsin. Eger sen kisiliginle ve gonlunle bu onumuzdeki gol gibi isen, hayatta karsilasabilecegin butun olumsuzluklar seni, o bir avuc tuz golun suyunu nasil etkilediyse oyle etkiler, bir bardak suda tattigin aciyi vermez sana.

Secim senindir :

"Ya bardak olacaksin ya da gol..."'
(Nursemin Akkaş'a teşekkürlerimle...)

Friedrich Nietzsche says...

"You have your way... I have my way... As for the right way, the correct way, it doesn't exist..."

-- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (philosopher and classical philologist) [1844-1900] .

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