
Sound of Solitude

Sound of Solitude - Myslovitz

- I am thankful, as I sang this song live with a huge crowd of the 10000 young people in Krakow on 12th May 2005. Life is an endless adventure...-

And even left alone one day
Ain't gonna change, it's not my world
Before me there's a road I know
The one I chose myself to go

Yeah, perfect forever, always clever
Should I be and I should feel
Super cool but then I am a fool
But then it's not me
And even left alone one day
Ain't gonna change, it's not my world
Before me there's a road I know
The one I chose myself to go

See, I like the evenings
Like to get hidden for quite some time
And yet, I like against my nature with ostentation
To stay alone, climb to a tree top
And keep looking skyward
No sensation, but I know that right here
For another time
Can't be who I wanna be

And even left alone one day
Ain't gonna change, it's not my world
Before me there's a road I know
The one I chose myself to go

Nights, some nights I awake to
Go out though I hate it
Look at this chemical world
Smelling like grayness, like paper love sadness
With you and me and someone else
Don't know who, wants to be
For several years
With obsession and with ostentation
Left alone a while I've seen that guy

And even left alone one day
Ain't gonna change, it's not my world
Before me there's a road I know
The one I chose myself to go



My one and the only dream...
A dream called PEACE...
Peace forever!



On Joe Black -the movie-

Better than I expected...

I have just seen the movie on TV. It is telling the story in a little bit slow way, but still it is worth seeing. The movie is much better than I expected... Love will always have a place in every heart, even if we know what it takes. I agree with the idea "Every one has secrets and we have to find a way to face our secrets"...

I liked the relation of Joe Black with the old woman the most. She was the one that knows the real life. May be that's why she understood that he is the angel of death... The time for every one comes, whether we like it or not... It is amazing to realise what we have before it is too late for us and in Joe Black we see the relation of love, life and death in a very logical way... ;)

Love is strange any way...


A new year has come...

Entry for January 01, 2006 - New Year's Eve

I started the night with a dinner at home with my parents and family friends. Then I went to Cumhuriyet Square in Alsancak. There was a huge crowd cheering New Year with the songs from MFO. We sang "Ele Gune Karsı" at 00:00. It was amazing to sing with so many people in the heart of my city, Izmir. Then I met my :) friend in Alsancak and drank more beer... It was joyful... :)

I hope this year will be a year of happiness, full of dreams fullfilled...


In the world...

In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself. ~Frantz Fanon

The only true voyage of discovery is not to go to new places, but to have other eyes. ~ Proust

The real traveller is the one who voyages in order to voyage... ~ Baudelaire

Travelling is the name of the new creation. We are creating ourselves and our environment by the help of each new step.

The world is an unique place to discover. Thus travelling is my ambition...

Friedrich Nietzsche says...

"You have your way... I have my way... As for the right way, the correct way, it doesn't exist..."

-- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (philosopher and classical philologist) [1844-1900] .

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