
Perfect... Smashing Pumpkins...


It was 1998... It was the year of my generation...
It was the times when I was trying to understand the world... I was trying to understand the people and the relations. I had too much trust on the people and I was neglecting that they are very different and usually strange. It is hard to understand emotional side of the humans indeed. I was upside down... Love was not easy! It is never easy indeed...
Thank you Billy for writing such a song... It was an anthem for the generation 1998.
By the way how charming Melissa Auf der Maur was, when she was playing this song...

I know we're just like old friends
We just can't pretend
That, lovers make amends
We are reasons so unreal
We can't help but feel that something has been lost

But please you know you're just like me
Next time I promise we'll be
Perfect strangers down the line
Lovers out of time
Memories unwind

So far I still know who you are
But now I wonder who I was...

Angel, you know it's not the end
We'll always be good friends
The letters have been sent on

So please, you always were so free
You'll see, I promise we'll be
Perfect strangers when we meet
Strangers on the street
Lovers while we sleep

You know this has to be…
Living a life of my own...

1 comment:

Ylenia C. said...

I'll adore Smashing Pumpkins for the rest of my life...

Friedrich Nietzsche says...

"You have your way... I have my way... As for the right way, the correct way, it doesn't exist..."

-- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (philosopher and classical philologist) [1844-1900] .

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