
EXPO 2015 excitement in Izmir...

Izmir experienced an enormous excitement by the meeting of BIE General Assembly, which decided about the host of EXPO in the year 2015, on 31st March 2008. Izmir took challenge of organisation of EXPO 2015 with competing Milano of Italy. EXPO 2015 Izmir offered the theme "New Roots to a better World / Health for All".

The people of Izmir gathered in Cumhuriyet Square by the help of the concerts... They were very excited and they hoped for a good result... I shared this great joy there with the crowd as well.

Even if the first TV news gave the news for celebration, Izmir could not succeed in the competition. Milano will host EXPO in 2015...

Izmir, may be next time? 2018?...


Cyprus - two...


There is always a possibility…

When I was walking in Ledra Street in Nicosia, I was feeling very sad. It was quite the same sadness I had when I was in some villages of Kosovo or visiting Auschwitz Camp. I was feeling very depressed, when I read the huge writing on the wall between two sides saying “Nothing is achieved without blood” on the wall in the Greek side. I still want to believe that humans can achieve peace and prosperity in their own countries without any bloody wars, fights or conflicts.

I just heard that the wall in the Greek part of Ledra Street is going to be destroyed… Happiness! Just a first step…

I was showing the banners in Turkish area stating “Let’s get rid of the last divided city in the world in peace” to my international friends, when I was in Ledra Street. Hopefully it will just be written in history books from now on.

Turkish side had demolished the barrier on the other side in December 2005. Now hopefully Greek side is also getting rid of the wall on the other side of the tampon area.

There is always a possibility for change… A change for peace…?
Living a life of my own...


Cyprus - one


Tales from the boundaries of existence


They call Nicosia as "the last divided city of the world". There is indeed a truth lying beneath. Mixed emotions are hidden in the middle of the Ledra Street from both sides. Hatred is in the roots nowadays. Different ways of discrimination and extreme-nationalism can be observed any time in daily life.

The fear of the unknown is developed between the societies since 1974. Unfortunately we look at the past we always see the seeds of hatred... Not many people remember the times of peace any more...

We can easily understand the hatred that was built on the tales of the past by the nationalist groups, the leaders and governments of the both sides… Nowadays Turkish soldiers are said to be only source of problem on the island. It would be too pleasing to know that. Unfortunately I do not agree with that...

Gladly I have friends from both of communities who do not believe in those bullshit and want to live in peace together… I just hope…

Living a life of my own...


Aşk... yine... yeniden...

Ordan buradan....
Bir aşk zinciri, Pecs-Macaristan. Şubat 2008.

- Aşk; deliliktir, dervişliktir, kaybolma halidir umarsızca...

- Aşk, isteyip de olamadığımız imkansız şeydir.

- Aşk karşındakine baktığında onu tanımlamak için her sıfatta kendini bulma halidir... Kendini yine yeniden keşfetmektir...

- Aşk; hayatın başlangıcı ve var oluşun biricik sebebidir.

- "Aşık Adam/Un homme amoureux" (Diane Kurys) filmini izlerken bir replik takıldı kaldı aklıma... "Neden sonsuz aşk istenir biliyor musun? Çünkü hayat acı çekmektir; aşk ise tedavi eder... Evlenilecek kadın evlenmeyi en istemeyen kadındır..."

- Daha önce geri dönüş almıştım, "umarım seni mutlu edecek yarın olanı yakında bulursun!" diye... Buldum... Bilmiyorum... Bulunabilir mi?... Hala fikrim yok... çok yazık...
- Ama yine de biliyorum ne mutlu ki aşk güzel!

Living a life of my own...



People... another disappointment!

People are strange...

Unfortunately "people are strange" just like in the old song... They pretend like they agree with the rules, but when the rules does not provide an advantage for them... They blame the rules and they want to clear out their responsibilities.

It is so sad to see old, so called wise, people looking pissed off, when breaking the rules of the deal that they have agreed upon earlier. They have multiple faces... They are untrustable... They do not play within the rules, they just want to use you... They are the calm and quiet alligators in the river; ready to kill and give harm when you are nearby...

I am vomitting... i am vomitting... i know more about the people every new day... I am sick of this society... Where is the change? How can be the change exist, if this liars have the positions of power? I have no hope...

Congratulations! You are leaving a country of corruption... You are leaving a society of liars... Thank you...

Friedrich Nietzsche says...

"You have your way... I have my way... As for the right way, the correct way, it doesn't exist..."

-- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (philosopher and classical philologist) [1844-1900] .

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