
The Hidden Truth!

Universal Declaration of Human Rights!

It is 10th of December today... Another Human Rights Day!

All around the globe the states and the governments try to hide the rights from the people. Every day we are facing different kind of violations, discrimination and humiliation. The violence is not stopped by the states, moreover the states are committing more and more. The perpetrators of the violations are encouraged by the states. I can give two recent examples from Turkey...

Last week we have witnessed once again how the police in Turkey is dealing with the demonstrators in Istanbul. We saw the anger in their eyes... Many of demonstrators are severely injured... One of them lost her pregnancy... The freedom of expression and the right for peaceful protest was a right? We are searching for Articles 19 and 20... If somebody finds them, please send them to Turkey!

Last night we showed our solidarity with Pınar Selek again. She is accused with a crime that the court experts discovered she had no guilt about, however the Supreme Court decided otherwise. They even set free the guy who testified against her, but she is to be arrested again. No one can be charged guilty until s/he prove to be guilty, right? We are searching for Articles 10 and 11... If somebody finds them, please send them to Turkey!
No need to mention about other severe violations of human rights that we are facing every day on this old planet. Surely we are marking a new era of advanced democracy and human rights... Congratulations!


This year UN ODCHR is celebrating the Human Rights Day in support of human rights defenders who act to end in discrimination. As we, human rights defenders acting against discrimination, are often at great personal risk to both ourselves and our families. Human rights defenders speak out against abuse and violations including discrimination, exclusion, oppression and violence. We advocate justice and seek to protect the victims of human rights violations. We demand accountability for perpetrators and transparency in government action. In so doing, we are often putting at risk our own safety, and that of our families, but we will not stop!

~Living a life of my own.

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Friedrich Nietzsche says...

"You have your way... I have my way... As for the right way, the correct way, it doesn't exist..."

-- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (philosopher and classical philologist) [1844-1900] .

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